Cartel de propaganada de la Expo IAlimentaria 2023
Expo IAlimentos 2023: Innovation in Food and Natural Dyes


Expo IAlimentos is a fair that takes place every year in Bogota (Colombia) and is aimed at the production, processing, distribution, packaging and marketing of food and beverages.

Undoubtedly, it is one of the most important events of the food industry in Latin America.

This year its edition was held in August under the hybrid modality, between virtual and face-to-face conferences, for more than 300 national and international VIP guests and 5,000 registered virtual.

They were two days of fair with an academic agenda very inclined to the new trends in food that are emerging.

A common point at the conferences was how the industry should be incorporating healthier and more natural products to respond to new demands of the final consumer, which every day is more informed on issues, which were previously irrelevant in making decisions for purchase, such as reading the labelling, quality, provenance and origin of ingredients.

Concepts such as sustainability, seasonal or local products, organic production, additive-free product, clean label, plant-based products, among others, are positioning themselves very quickly in the minds of end consumers.

At INCOLTEC, we take pride in providing natural pigment and food colorants. It’s gratifying to see people, particularly those “of the common”, EMPOWERING themselves regarding health issues, seen from one of its main branches that is FOOD. Thanks to ingredients such as NATURAL COLORANTS AND FOOD COLORANTS, it became possible to obtain appetizing and healthy products, without sacrificing texture and flavor.

The rise of consumer movements in search of food that correspond to the world of the NATURAL and the “Realfood” has taken such strength that have generated that large companies such as Milka Chocolates, Danone, among others, incorporate products in response to these trends.

Another important aspect presented at the conferences is the use of natural foods as daily supplement. Foods such as maca, matcha tea, coconut oil, are incorporated into the diet, not viewed as a whole meal but as a specific nutritional contribution. This approach, known as NUTRITIONISM, is evident when consumers look for foods rich in calcium for bone health or incorporates enough omega-3 in their diet for cardiovascular well-being, prioritizing nutritional supplementation over the complete food perspective.

Podemos observar como la Sala de exposiciones de la EXPO IALIMENTOS 2023 esta llena de gente (oyentes) que prestan atención a la exposición que hay en curso.



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