
Product description

Saffron: Distinguished by its pleasant aroma and vibrant colour, our product boasts an orange-yellow hue derived from the carotenoid pigment, Crocin, found in saffron flowers. Revered as ‘red gold’ for its gastronomic and medicinal uses throughout history, we offer this 100% natural product in both powder and liquid forms. Soluble in water and dispersible in fats, it ensures stability and quality. Ideal for a wide array of applications, including confectionery, dairy products, bakery, meat, sauces, meals, candies, snacks, and vegetarian products.

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Technical information
Technical information

Color/Shade: Reddish
Source: Sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus)
Pigment: Santalin
Appearance: Powder and liquid
Solubility: Water soluble
Stability: Heat: Good, Light: Good

Color solution

pH’s Neutral
Meat, dairy and various desserts

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