¿Qué es el Kale? Conoce los beneficios y propiedades de este súperalimento

What is Kale?

About the Kale

The properties of vegetables and their contributions are the focus of observation and study at a global level in favor of the valuation of the environment. Taking care of health through food and generating greater sustainability and nutritional quality.

The kale, belonging to the group of varieties of Brassica oleracea var, is a variety of cabbage, of the group of cultivars of collard greens. It is an edible plant characterized by large and elongated leaves, strong green and very curly.
Within this classification of vegetables we also find: red cabbage, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and collards.

The kale is part of the varieties of cabbage that do not form closed heads, such as cabbage, its leaves are consumed which are green and elongated, similar to chard.
Another part of this food group are cauliflower and broccoli where the flowers are also eaten.
It is one of the healthiest vegetables on the planet, and is currently called the “green queen”.
Of Asian origin, it arrived in Europe around 600 AD. It is currently found all over the world.
This vegetable is considered a super food for the benefits it brings to health: good for maintaining a healthy weight and recommended in diets due to its low caloric content (45 kcal per 100 grams), since it has more proteins than carbohydrates and its great nutritional contribution. Unlike its cousins, cabbages do not cause abdominal bloating.

Some of its benefits are:
-It has more iron than meat.
-Rich in folic acid, fibers and minerals.
-Rich in Antioxidants.
-Rich in potassium that protects the cardiovascular system.
-Contains beta carotenes that help the heart function.
-Magnesium and phosphorus that promote proper brain function.
-Calcium to strengthen the bone system.
-Vitamins A, C and K, good for eliminating free radicals, anti-cancer
-Vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B6, good for keeping the nervous system and the Immune system healthy.
-Provide Omega 3, which works as a cell renewal.
-Rich in fiber to improve the digestive system.

¿How to cultivate it?
It is very noble for its cultivation, it grows in the winter and in different regions of the world.
Its leaves have a dark green color and can sometimes have purple tones.
In addition to its properties and benefits, its cultivation is simple. It can be sown in the ground, or also in pots, it prefers non-clay soils, rich in organic matter, ideal if you have compost.
Easy to grow, it grows from a seed, which is a small grayish-black sphere, which is buried 1.5 centimeters deep, and has to be watered immediately. After two weeks it is born and it always continues to produce leaves, reaching up to 40 cm in height.
In winter crops it is said that its flavor is sweeter because when the temperature drops, the enzymes that generate its characteristic bitterness slow down, and the photosynthesis process continues to make sugars.

Applications of Kale, its use in the kitchen
You can consume it raw or cooked in:
-Green juices.
-Energy drinks.
-Crispy baked like chips.
-Sandwich, replace lettuce with kale.
This superfood is considered a nutritional concentrate due to its nutritional properties and few calories.

Uses in the world gastronomy.
In Germany it is traditionally used to make fermented products in the winter season and to accompany potato and sausage dishes and some wheat brandy drinks. The same gastronomic tradition is found in the Netherlands.
In Portugal it is incorporated into soups prepared from the cooking of the leaves and is known as green broth.

In Girona, Spain there is a delicious dish called ‘Trinxat’ made from potatoes, kale and bacon.
In Asia, Kale is used to prepare a variety of stewed, sautéed dishes, such as soups, salads, boils, and even to wrap other foods with its leaves for cooking. To consume it in salads, if the kale is very hard, it is recommended to massage it a little with olive oil to make it softer.
It currently exists all over the world and its use is becoming more and more popular.
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