
Product description

Sandalwood: Sandalwood is a plant native from Asia with recognized medicinal properties. The red active agent is santalin. An emulsifying process is applied on a base of concentrated spice extracts to achieve a quality red product. It comes in liquid and powder format. This product is water soluble and can be applied in meat, dairy products, soups and various desserts. This coloruing food is stable to the heat.

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Technical information
Technical information

Color/Shade: Reddish
Source: Sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus)
Pigment: Santalin
Appearance: Powder and liquid
Solubility: Water soluble
Stability: Heat: Good, Light: Good

Color solution

pH’s Neutral
Meat, dairy and various desserts

Supplier Sandalwood

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Coloring applications of Sandalwood



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